Verify Trace Levels using SQL on Cisco UC
Elevated Traces are Risky
Hey there! I bet you’ve got experience troubleshooting issues in a UC VOS device, like CallManager, UCCX, CER or otherwise… and you’ve likely had to increase trace levels to Detailed because of a request from Cisco TAC or because you know that the detailed tracing is needed to diagnose the issue and see what’s causing it. And I bet you always lower those trace levels back to what they were when you started, right? Well… we might tell ourselves we do, but we’re all human and we all forget things from time to time.
And because we all forget things from time to time I think it’s a great idea to check our environment(s) to ensure that there aren’t any debugs running that aren’t needed, or increased trace levels where they aren’t needed. For me, it’s not an arbitrary thing… you see… in my younger years while troubleshooting an issue on an IM&P Cluster where presence statuses weren’t updating or displaying correctly, I elevated a few traces to Detailed level. One of which was the Cisco XCP Router process. Captured the issue in tracing, downloaded it locally but never set the trace levels back to their default level. This was on a Saturday afternoon. I don’t work Sunday… Monday… or Tuesday. And boy, was Monday morning fun for the folks working.
Now elevated trace levels aren’t inherently bad, but when you have a large company with thousands of users all attempting to log in to Jabber, set their statuses, and perform any number of tasks all at roughly the same time, you might see some adverse impact from those increased trace levels. For me, that adverse impact was an actual crash and hang of the CUCM nodes requiring a reboot from the hypervisor and trace levels to be lowered somewhere in that process before the system became overwhelmed again. I’m unsure of the specifics of the work performed that Monday morning, thankfully I did not have to deal with the fallout. I did, however, receive a phone call promptly upon logging in to the VPN and setting my phone up for my shift the Wednesday immediately following the issue.
You see, I like to joke sometimes with junior engineers about some of the processes they now have to follow (such as lowering trace levels to original values no longer being sage wisdom, but mandatory, necessary, and documented) are because I made a mistake. Now, it’s not as many as I say when joking around, but this was definitely something born of a lessons learned write-up following the RCA. So, yeah, it’s important.
And now we get to the meat of the post, how we can quickly validate trace levels across the cluster on a per node, per service basis. Of course navigating through the GUI as you traditionally would is far less efficient, but it does provide you the ability to modify the trace level and apply it to all nodes or individually. My SQL query is only a “what is it”, not a “make it so”. I use it to check what the levels are and confirm if I even need to log in to the GUI to make changes. Yes, you can update certain tables directly using SQL but unless I’m doing a lot of work and need to trim the time down, I usually don’t to avoid making mistakes in syntax or introducing issues poking around where I only half know what I’m doing (as I have said in a few posts, I am no SQL expert. I dabble.)
So to check, I would either send this as a SOAP request against the AXL API, or more commonly I would log in to the CUCM, UCCX, CER, CUC, IM&P Publisher and issue the following SQL query:
run sql select ts.nameforcontrol as service, as trace_level, pns.enable, pns.servername from typeservice as ts, typetracelevelgrouping as ttlg, processnodeservice as pns where ts.enum=pns.tkservice and ttlg.tktracelevelgroups=ts.tktracelevelgroups and pns.tracelevel=ttlg.value
This query reports back the individual service names (e.g. Cisco CallManager, Cisco Extension Mobility, Cisco Extended Functions), the trace level (e.g. Detailed, Error, Significant, Informational), whether tracing is enabled at all (e.g. [t]rue, [f]alse), and what the name of the individual node is (e.g. labcucmpub, labcucmsub1, labcucmsub2). I normally take this output, slap it into Notepad++ and ctrl+f my way through the services I am concerned with, or the server I am concerned with, or I just review line by line if the need is there.
Now we’ll see what the output looks like. Pretty quick, and in my eyes very handy to make sure all is in order when I am done troubleshooting, or even as a spot check if I see the common/logging partition filling quickly on a client environment, or think of a reason to audit this.
Device Output from Single Node Cluster
admin:run sql select ts.nameforcontrol as service, as trace_level, pns.enable, pns.servername from typeservice as ts, typetracelevelgrouping as ttlg, processnodeservice as pns where ts.enum=pns.tkservice and ttlg.tktracelevelgroups=ts.tktracelevelgroups and pns.tracelevel=ttlg.value
service trace_level enable servername
================================================= ============= ====== ==========
Cisco CallManager Detailed t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Tftp Error t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Messaging Interface Error t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App Detailed t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CTIManager Detailed t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco RIS Data Collector Significant t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Extension Mobility Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Aupair Significant t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco IP Manager Assistant Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Extended Functions Significant t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CTL Provider Error t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco WebDialer Web Service Error t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CDR Repository Manager Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CDR Agent Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CAR Scheduler Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CAR Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco AMC Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool Significant t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CCM SNMP Service Significant t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco DirSync Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco AXL Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco DRF Master Detailed t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco DRF Local Detailed t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CCMAdmin Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CCMRealm Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CCMService Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco SOAP Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco RTMT Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CCM PD Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CCM DBL Web Library Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CCM NCS Web Library Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Extension Mobility Application Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco License Manager Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Role-based Security Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Trace Collection Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco DHCP Monitor Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco TAPS Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Tomcat Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Unified OS Admin Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco GRT Communication Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Unified Reporting Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco RisBean Library Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco SOAPMessage Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Platform Administrative Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Change Credential Application Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CCMUser Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Audit Event Service Significant t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco DP SOAP Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco UXL Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Common User Interface Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco User Data Services Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco External Call Control Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco E911 Service Warning t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco LBM Detailed t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Server Arbitrary t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Intercluster Lookup Service Significant t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Directory Number Alias Sync Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Directory Number Alias Lookup Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Self Provisioning IVR Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco CTLCli for moving cluster to secure mode Fatal t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Certificate Change Notification Service Detailed t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Wireless Controller Synchronization Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Smart License Manager Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Upgrade Agent Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Management Agent Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Push Notification Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Certificate Enrollment Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Platform Communication Web Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Cisco Device Activation Service Informational t IPTBUCMPUB
Device Output from Multi-Node Cluster
admin:run sql select ts.nameforcontrol as service, as trace_level, pns.enable, pns.servername from typeservice as ts, typetracelevelgrouping as ttlg, processnodeservice as pns where ts.enum=pns.tkservice and ttlg.tktracelevelgroups=ts.tktracelevelgroups and pns.tracelevel=ttlg.value
service trace_level enable servername
================================================= ============= ====== ============
Cisco CallManager Detailed t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Tftp Error t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Messaging Interface Error t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App Detailed t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CTIManager Detailed t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco RIS Data Collector Significant t NHUCMPUBCL1
Aupair Significant t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool Significant t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CCM SNMP Service Significant t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CCMUser Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Audit Event Service Significant t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco DP SOAP Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco User Data Services Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco External Call Control Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco E911 Service Warning t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco LBM Detailed t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Intercluster Lookup Service Significant t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Directory Number Alias Sync Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Directory Number Alias Lookup Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Self Provisioning IVR Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CTLCli for moving cluster to secure mode Fatal t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Certificate Change Notification Service Detailed t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Wireless Controller Synchronization Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Upgrade Agent Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Management Agent Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Push Notification Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Extended Functions Significant t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco IP Manager Assistant Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco GRT Communication Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Unified Reporting Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Trace Collection Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco TAPS Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco SOAPMessage Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco License Manager Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Platform Administrative Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco DRF Master Detailed t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco DRF Local Detailed t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Change Credential Application Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco RisBean Library Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CAR Scheduler Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CCMRealm Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco AMC Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco WebDialer Web Service Error t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CDR Agent Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco UXL Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CDR Repository Manager Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Role-based Security Detailed t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CCMService Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Common User Interface Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Extension Mobility Application Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CAR Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco DHCP Monitor Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CCMAdmin Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco SOAP Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Server Arbitrary t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CTL Provider Error t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Extension Mobility Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco RTMT Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco DirSync Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CCM PD Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Unified OS Admin Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco Tomcat Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CCM NCS Web Library Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CCM DBL Web Library Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco AXL Web Service Informational t NHUCMPUBCL1
Cisco CallManager Detailed t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Tftp Error t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Messaging Interface Error t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App Detailed t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CTIManager Detailed t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco RIS Data Collector Significant t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Aupair Significant t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool Significant t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CCM SNMP Service Significant t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco TVS Error t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CCMUser Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Audit Event Service Significant t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco DP SOAP Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco User Data Services Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco External Call Control Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco E911 Service Warning t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco LBM Detailed t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Intercluster Lookup Service Significant t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Directory Number Alias Sync Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Directory Number Alias Lookup Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Self Provisioning IVR Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CTLCli for moving cluster to secure mode Fatal t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Certificate Change Notification Service Detailed t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Wireless Controller Synchronization Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Upgrade Agent Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Management Agent Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Push Notification Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Extended Functions Significant t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco IP Manager Assistant Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco GRT Communication Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Unified Reporting Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Trace Collection Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco TAPS Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco SOAPMessage Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco License Manager Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Platform Administrative Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco DRF Master Detailed t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco DRF Local Detailed t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Change Credential Application Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco RisBean Library Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CAR Scheduler Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CCMRealm Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco AMC Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco WebDialer Web Service Error t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CDR Agent Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco UXL Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CDR Repository Manager Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Role-based Security Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CCMService Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Common User Interface Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Extension Mobility Application Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CAR Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco DHCP Monitor Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CCMAdmin Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco SOAP Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Server Arbitrary t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CTL Provider Error t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Extension Mobility Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco RTMT Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco DirSync Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CCM PD Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Unified OS Admin Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco Tomcat Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CCM NCS Web Library Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CCM DBL Web Library Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco AXL Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB1CL1
Cisco CallManager Detailed t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Tftp Error t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Messaging Interface Error t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App Detailed t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CTIManager Detailed t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco RIS Data Collector Significant t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Aupair Significant t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool Significant t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CCM SNMP Service Significant t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco TVS Error t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CCMUser Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Audit Event Service Significant t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco DP SOAP Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco User Data Services Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco External Call Control Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco E911 Service Warning t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco LBM Detailed t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Intercluster Lookup Service Significant t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Directory Number Alias Sync Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Directory Number Alias Lookup Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Self Provisioning IVR Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CTLCli for moving cluster to secure mode Fatal t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Certificate Change Notification Service Detailed t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Wireless Controller Synchronization Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Upgrade Agent Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Management Agent Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Push Notification Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Extended Functions Significant t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco IP Manager Assistant Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco GRT Communication Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Unified Reporting Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Trace Collection Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco TAPS Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco SOAPMessage Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco License Manager Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Platform Administrative Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco DRF Master Detailed t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco DRF Local Detailed t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Change Credential Application Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco RisBean Library Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CAR Scheduler Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CCMRealm Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco AMC Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco WebDialer Web Service Error t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CDR Agent Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco UXL Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CDR Repository Manager Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Role-based Security Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CCMService Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Common User Interface Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Extension Mobility Application Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CAR Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco DHCP Monitor Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CCMAdmin Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco SOAP Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Server Arbitrary t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CTL Provider Error t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Extension Mobility Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco RTMT Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco DirSync Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CCM PD Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Unified OS Admin Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco Tomcat Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CCM NCS Web Library Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco CCM DBL Web Library Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco AXL Web Service Informational t NHUCMSUB2CL1
Cisco RIS Data Collector Significant t NHIMP1CL1
Aupair Significant t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool Significant t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Audit Event Service Significant t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Management Agent Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco GRT Communication Web Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Unified Reporting Web Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Trace Collection Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco SOAPMessage Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Intercluster Sync Agent Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco IM and Presence Admin Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Platform Administrative Web Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco DRF Local Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Client Profile Agent Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco RisBean Library Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco ReplicationWatcher Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Server Recovery Manager Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco OAM Agent Error t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Presence Engine Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco AMC Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP Router Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP Text Conference Manager Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP Web Connection Manager Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP Connection Manager Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP SIP Federation Connection Manager Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP XMPP Federation Connection Manager Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP Message Archiver Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP Directory Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP Authentication Service Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP File Transfer Manager Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco CCMService Web Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco XCP Config Manager Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco SIP Proxy Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco SIP Proxy Logger Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco SOAP Web Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco RTMT Web Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Presence Datastore Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Login Datastore Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Route Datastore Error t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco SIP Registration Datastore Error t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Config Agent Detailed t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Unified OS Admin Web Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Tomcat Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco Sync Agent Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco RCC Device Selection Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco AXL Web Service Informational t NHIMP1CL1
Cisco RIS Data Collector Significant t NHIMP2CL1
Aupair Significant t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool Significant t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Audit Event Service Significant t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Management Agent Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco GRT Communication Web Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Unified Reporting Web Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Trace Collection Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco SOAPMessage Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Intercluster Sync Agent Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco IM and Presence Admin Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Platform Administrative Web Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco DRF Local Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Client Profile Agent Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco RisBean Library Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco ReplicationWatcher Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Server Recovery Manager Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco OAM Agent Error t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Presence Engine Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco AMC Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP Router Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP Text Conference Manager Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP Web Connection Manager Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP Connection Manager Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP SIP Federation Connection Manager Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP XMPP Federation Connection Manager Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP Message Archiver Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP Directory Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP Authentication Service Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP File Transfer Manager Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco CCMService Web Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco XCP Config Manager Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco SIP Proxy Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco SIP Proxy Logger Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco SOAP Web Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco RTMT Web Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Presence Datastore Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Login Datastore Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Route Datastore Error t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco SIP Registration Datastore Error t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Config Agent Detailed t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Unified OS Admin Web Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Tomcat Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco Sync Agent Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco RCC Device Selection Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Cisco AXL Web Service Informational t NHIMP2CL1
Well, I hope this is helpful and that you’ve learned something, if not from the SQL query itself than from my personal story of crashing a client environment because I didn’t spend the 2 and a half minutes changing the trace levels back. We’re all human, we all make mistakes, but I try not to make the same mistake more than once if I can help it. Hopefully I can help you avoid making that mistake at all!