Call Drops On Agent Delivery
Some Context and Story
This one’s a bit of a mess, and I’ll provide some context that I did not have the benefit of knowing going into it. The issue was reported as “Calling XXX XXX XXXX and pressing Option 2 for French results in the call dropping.”
I was given the 800 number to call to replicate the issue, which was nice. No known date for the last time it worked, no known changes to the UCCX script or environment that would impact this particular call flow. I’ve heard this a few times.
Region Relationships, with loctions, dictate bandwidth allocation on UCM.
Now something I want you to understand is that working in a multitude of environments, and typically only for a few hours at a time, I do not have the ability to memorize every change that takes place for our clients. All of the changes performed are of course tracked internally with indicents/cases that we can refer to for documentation, however, the client also makes their own changes, and at times also contracts other companies to perform work (site moves, SIP migrations, etc.) if they feel they can get a better deal or have existing contracts that they can leverage.
This is cool and all, but in this particular instance a big mistake was made during the clients migration to a centralized SIP provider architecture with two CUBEs and major SIP connections. Site routers that were previously used for DSP resources (MTP, XCODE, CFB) were decommissioned. USUALLY this is considered during the migration and one would account for the loss of these resources. Well… they didn’t. The result is many branch site regions forcing 8kbps/g729 in their relationship with centralized resources, and UCCX (which requires 64kbps/g711ulaw). The transcoding resources previously available were now not available, and the only resource available from the child and default MRGLs had insufficient sessions configured causing the call to outright drop.
I’ve included the Cisco CallManager trace review below in which we track down the media negotiation (caps), regions at play, what MRGL/MRG and thus transcoding resources we have available, and the ultimate result of this call attempt.
MTP allocation due to xcoder requirement
REMOTE-REG to UCCX-Region is hard coded 8kbps
33308539.004 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::buildMtpXcoderAllocList, savedConnectionCount=0, QosType=0
33308539.005 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-RegionsServer::matchCapabilities-- savedOption=3, PREF_NONE, regionA=(null) regionB=(null) latentCaps(A=0, B=0) kbps=8, capACount=5, capBCount=2
33308539.006 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::checkAudioPassThru, param(bPostMTPAllocation=0,chkTrp=1), capCount(5,2), mtpPT=1, aPT=2
33308539.007 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::preCheckCapabilities, region1=REMOTE-REG, region2=UCCX-Region, Pty1 capCount=5 (Cap,ptime)= (4,20) (11,20) (12,20) (112,20) (114,20), Pty2 capCount=2 (Cap,ptime)= (2,30) (4,30)
33308539.008 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-RegionsServer::matchCapabilities-- savedOption=0, PREF_NONE, regionA=(null) regionB=(null) latentCaps(A=0, B=0) kbps=8, capACount=5, capBCount=2
33308539.009 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |RegionsServer: applyCodecFilterIfNeeded - no codecs remained after filtering so restored original 0 caps
Caps mismatch, xcoder required
8kbps hard coded as mentioned. xCoder is required, xcoding side=2
33308539.010 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::preCheckCapabilities, caps mismatch! Xcoder Reqd. kbps(8), filtered A[capCount=3 (Cap,ptime)= (11,20) (12,20) (114,20)], B[capCount=0 (Cap,ptime)=] allowMTP=0 numXcoderRequired=1 xcodingSide=2
33308539.011 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::prepareInitialConnectionList, Party1CapCount=5 Party2CapCount=2 XcoderRequired=1 xcodingSide=2 allowMTP=0
33308539.012 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::AllocateXcoderandMTPWithZeroSavedConnection
33308539.013 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214) - isIpv6CapableMTPNeeded(0) ipAddrMode(0 0) mtpside(0)
MTP is required
33308539.014 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::isMTPNeededForMismatchOrConfig, MTPNeededDueToDTMFCapMismatch(2833/OOB) mtpinsertionReason=1 dtmfMTPSide=1
33308539.015 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::isMTPNeededForDTMF, isMTPNeeded for DTMF inection from OOB to 2833 party1MTPNeed=0 party1MTPNeed=0 mtpinsertionReason=1
33308539.016 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::isMTPNeededForDTMFInjectionFromOOBTo2833 - MTPInsertionReason=1 DTMFSide=1 Party1XferMode=16 Party2XferMode=4 Party 1[DTMFConfig=1 DTMFMethod=2 wantDTMFReception=1 DTMFReception=0 MTPNeedForDTMFInject=0] Party 2[DTMFConfig=1 DTMFMethod=1 wantDTMFReception=1 DTMFReception=0 MTPNeedForDTMFInject=0]
33308539.017 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |!!ERROR!! -MediaManager-(252214)::isMTPNeededForDTMFInjectionFromOOBTo2833 DTMFMTPSide=1, MTPInsertReason=1
33308539.018 |14:42:53.465 |AppInfo |DET-MediaManager-(252214)::isMTPNeededForDTMF, after all MTP determinationMTPSide=1 mtpinsertionReason=1
CCM compares device caps between affected regions for MTP/Xcoder and REMOTE region (Side A –> MTP) 8kbps
33308546.001 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::waiting_AllocateMtpResourceReq - (capCount,region),A(5,REMOTE-REG),B(2,UCCX-Region), reqDevCap=0x9, reqMandatoryCaps=0x0, supDevCap=0x129, passthru=0, resourceCount=1
33308546.002 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::getResourcesAllocated -- DeviceName=XCODE_HLSD_ISR Ci=42684271 ResourceCount=1
33308546.003 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::getResourcesAllocated -- Logging RegionA=REMOTE-REG Caps and MTP/XCoder Region=HLSD-Region Caps
33308546.004 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::logCapabilitiesinTrace -- MTP/XCoder Device Caps = 4 2 12 16 257 259 261
33308546.005 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::logCapabilitiesinTrace -- Device Caps = 4 11 12 112 114
33308546.006 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |DET-RegionsServer::matchCapabilities-- savedOption=0, PREF_LIST, regionA=HLSD-Region regionB=REMOTE-REG latentCaps(A=0, B=0) kbps=8, capACount=7, capBCount=5
CCM then compares device caps between affected regions for MTP/Xcoder and UCCX region (MTP –> Side B) 64kbps
33308546.007 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::getResourcesAllocated -- Logging RegionB=UCCX-Region Caps and MTP/XCoder Region=HLSD-Region Caps
33308546.008 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::logCapabilitiesinTrace -- MTP/XCoder Device Caps = 4 2 12 16 257 259 261
33308546.009 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::logCapabilitiesinTrace -- Device Caps = 2 4
33308546.010 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |DET-RegionsServer::matchCapabilities-- savedOption=0, PREF_LIST, regionA=HLSD-Region regionB=UCCX-Region latentCaps(A=0, B=0) kbps=64, capACount=7, capBCount=2
We attempt to create a list of XCODERS to use
XCODE_NROC_4351 is pulled from the MRG-NROC-Hardware:MRG-NROC-Software. It is unregistered, thus, cannot be allocated
33308540.002 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmAllocateXcoderResourceReq - CREATING CHILD USING MRGL LIST
33308540.003 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MRM::convertScmStringToStdString MRG-NROC-Hardware:MRG-NROC-Software
33308540.004 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MRM::getXcodeDeviceGivenMrgl
33308540.005 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MRM::getXcodeDeviceGivenMrgl DeviceName=XCODE_NROC_4351 DeviceType=112 Group=0 Counter=0 Capability=0 MultiCast=0 MRGL=4196c76d-f834-8583-1df2-87314cfa78eb
CCM then reviews default list (xCoders not assigned to MRG)
Only XCODE_HLSD_ISR is registered, thus, it is used
33308540.006 | 14:42:53.466 | AppInfo | MRM::getXcodeDeviceGivenMrgl GETTING XCODE FROM DEFAULT LIST | |||||
33308540.007 | 14:42:53.466 | AppInfo | MRM::getXcodeDeviceGivenMrgl DeviceName=XCD-LDN DeviceType=111 Group=2 Counter=0 Capability=0 MultiCast=0 MRGL=4196c76d-f834-8583-1df2-87314cfa78eb | |||||
33308540.008 | 14:42:53.466 | AppInfo | MRM::getXcodeDeviceGivenMrgl DeviceName=XCODE_CWUT_2821 DeviceType=112 Group=2 Counter=0 Capability=0 MultiCast=0 MRGL=4196c76d-f834-8583-1df2-87314cfa78eb | |||||
33308540.009 | 14:42:53.466 | AppInfo | MRM::getXcodeDeviceGivenMrgl DeviceName=XCODE_HLSD_ISR DeviceType=112 Group=2 Counter=0 Capability=0 MultiCast=0 MRGL=4196c76d-f834-8583-1df2-87314cfa78eb | |||||
33308540.010 | 14:42:53.466 | AppInfo | MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmAllocateXcoderResourceReq - CREATED CHILD USING MRGL AND DEFAULT LIST33308540.011 | 14:42:53.466 | AppInfo | MediaResourceCdpc(0)::createTempDeviceTable - Entries copied in the Temp Device Table = 4 | ||
33308540.012 | 14:42:53.466 | Create | MediaResourceCdpc(2,100,139,128507) | MediaResourceManager(2,100,138,) | NumOfCurrentInstances: 1 | |||
33308541.000 | 14:42:53.466 | SdlSig | Start | start | MediaResourceCdpc(2,100,139,128507) | MediaResourceCdpc(2,100,139,128507) | 1,200,13,55.213935^IPADDRESS^CTIP_7148047 | *TraceFlagOverrode |
33308541.001 | 14:42:53.466 | LnkState | LinkAdmin - registerLinkStatus - Pid: [2,139,128507], NodeId: 1 regCount: 1 | |||||
33308541.002 | 14:42:53.466 | AppInfo | MediaResourceCdpc(128507) - Started | |||||
33308542.000 | 14:42:53.466 | SdlSig | MrmAllocateMtpResourceReq | waiting | MediaResourceCdpc(2,100,139,128507) | MediaResourceManager(2,100,138,1) | 1,200,13,55.213935^IPADDRESS^CTIP_7148047 | [R:N-H:0,N:1,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] CI=42684271 MRGLPkid=4196c76d-f834-8583-1df2-87314cfa78eb Kpbs=0 RegionA=REMOTE-REG CapA=5 RegionB=UCCX-Region CapB=2 SuppressFlag=0 DeviceCapReqd= [0x9 DETECT_2833 PT_2833] MandatoryCapabilities= [0x0] Type=3 Count=1 MTPRequired=F tryPassThru=F |
33308542.001 | 14:42:53.466 | AppInfo | MediaResourceCdpc(128507)::waiting_MrmAllocateMtpResourceReq - CI=42684271 Count=1 TryPassThru=0 |
Process id request is performed by CCM
No PID is found for any xcode resource except XCODE_HLSD_ISR, indicating they are not registered
33308543.000 |14:42:53.466 |SdlSig |DmMultiPidReq |initialized |DeviceManager(2,100,205,1) |MediaResourceCdpc(2,100,139,128507) |1,200,13,55.213935^IPADDRESS^CTIP_7148047 |[T:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] Id=18036 Cepn=85589cf7-919d-42c6-d071-3b1dde989d87 Cepn=44428b40-4493-aab8-a7d4-46f9a0017077 Cepn=7276bed3-e1fe-e1f9-416a-6691875ea813 Cepn=c32bf383-9983-671c-38b3-1d88ce5a94c1
33308543.001 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |DeviceManager::star_DmMultiPidReq - PID(s) Requested=4
33308543.002 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |SMDMSharedData::findAliasRegInfo - AliasName = 85589cf7-919d-42c6-d071-3b1dde989d87 not in AliasInfo hashmap
33308543.003 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |SMDMSharedData::findRemoteDeviceAny - Key=85589cf7-919d-42c6-d071-3b1dde989d87 not in RemoteDeviceInfo hashmap
33308543.004 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |SMDMSharedData::findAliasRegInfo - AliasName = 44428b40-4493-aab8-a7d4-46f9a0017077 not in AliasInfo hashmap
33308543.005 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |SMDMSharedData::findRemoteDeviceAny - Key=44428b40-4493-aab8-a7d4-46f9a0017077 not in RemoteDeviceInfo hashmap
33308543.006 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |SMDMSharedData::findAliasRegInfo - AliasName = 7276bed3-e1fe-e1f9-416a-6691875ea813 not in AliasInfo hashmap
33308543.007 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |SMDMSharedData::findRemoteDeviceAny - Key=7276bed3-e1fe-e1f9-416a-6691875ea813 not in RemoteDeviceInfo hashmap
33308543.008 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |SMDMSharedData::findAliasRegInfo - AliasName = c32bf383-9983-671c-38b3-1d88ce5a94c1 not in AliasInfo hashmap
33308543.009 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |SMDMSharedData::findLocalDevice - Name=XCODE_HLSD_ISR Key=c32bf383-9983-671c-38b3-1d88ce5a94c1 isActvie=1 Pid=(2,137,7) found
XCODE_HLSD_ISR is selected as the assigned resource
Resource indicates MTP usage (1) is >= 95% of total resources (2) - Allocation fails
33308546.011 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::getResourcesAllocated -- match1=1 match2=2
33308546.012 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::getResourcesAllocated -- DeviceName=XCODE_HLSD_ISR Ci=42684271 ResourceAllocated=1
33308546.013 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::getResourcesAllocated -- allocateErrBitset=0x0
33308546.014 |14:42:53.466 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::waiting_AllocateMtpResourceReq - MTP usage (1) >= configured throttle percent (95) of Total Resources (2). Attempt to allocate a different MTP.
33308546.015 |14:42:53.467 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::incRequestsThrottledCounter Count=1
33308546.016 |14:42:53.467 |AppInfo |MediaTerminationPointControl(7)::SendMTPResourceErrToSender - ERROR AllocateMtpResourceReq failed -- Ci=42684271, errBitset=0x2
Registration state of XCODERS involved in call flow
Cisco IOS Enhanced Media Termination Point XCODE_NROC_4351 XCODE_NROC_4351 DP-NROC None None Copy
Cisco IOS Media Termination Point XCD-LDN LDN Hardware XCD DP-LNNH None None
Cisco IOS Enhanced Media Termination Point XCODE_CWUT_2821 XCODE_CWUT_2821 DP-CWUT None None
Cisco IOS Enhanced Media Termination Point XCODE_HLSD_ISR HLSD XCODE ISR DP-HLSD Registered with callmanager x.x.x.x
Due to lack of MTP/XCoder available after hitting the threshold on XCODE_HLSD_ISR, the call fails/drops
GW Config shows ‘session 2’ command issued on transcoder profile indicating we have very few sessions available for transcoding resources.
ITSACUBE01#show run | sec profile
!irrelevant configurations omitted
associate profile 2 register XCODE_HLSD_ISR
dspfarm profile 2 transcode
codec g729abr8
codec g729ar8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
!irrelevant configurations omitted
Now after review we’ve identified that there is a mismatch in caps (8kbps/g729 for the remote region, 64kbps/g711ulaw for UCCX region) and insufficient transcoding resources to handle this. There are some options we do have to fix this.
Solution #1
Increase maximum sessions available on transcoding resources on ITSACUBE01 to allow XCODE_HLSD_ISR Transcoding resource to handle the call. This would also require adding the g729r8 codec, as it’s not listed as an available codec to transcode.
conf t
dspfarm profile 2 transcode
codec g729r8
maximum sessions 20
copy run start
conf t
no sccp
We add g729r8 as an available codec, we increase the sessions (we can select 20 due to the particular gateway having a lot of DSP resources that are [for some reason] unused. This will require DSP calculations on your end depending on what you have available in terms of pvdm type and size). We also bounce SCCP for good measure to get it to re-register.
Solution #2
Open up the region relationship between REMOTE-REG and UCCX-REG to allow 64kbps both ways.
Navigate to CM Administration > System > Region Information > Region
Blank Search
Modify relationship with REMOTE-REG to allow 64kbps, if on default. If already 64kbps, make no change.
Back to Find/List
Modify relationship with UCCX-REG to allow 64kbps, if on default or statically assigned to a lower bandwidth value (in this case 8kbps).
Apply Config
64kbps per call is allowed in terms of codecs that can be used, which allows g711ulaw to be directly negotiated and cuts out the requirement of transcoding resources. This requires sufficient bandwidth between the UCCX servers and the remote site, as RTP is endpoint-to-endpoint (phone to UCCX//phone to agent).
For the short term we ended up going with Option 2, due to sufficient bandwidth and in order to cut out transcoding in the first place. We have a plan to go back and revisit the available Media Resources, clean up/delete those that aren’t coming back, and to appropriately configure those remaining.
Hopefully this was interesting and helped break down in the signaling/traces the steps CCM goes through to determine if it needs to transcode, and if so, how it pulls those resources. Have any ideas for future posts? Feedback on any of my past posts? Just want to chat about UC? Reach out to my Twitter (@thoughtsnoc) or find me on LinkedIn!